01 September 2004

Waiting For The Miracle

      Received this from Mr Ublanksy and thought it worth sharing here, a parable of patience:

      One night a cop was patrolling a well-known parking spot when he saw a couple in a car, with the interior light on. As he got closer to the car and saw a young man behind the wheel reading a computer magazine and a young woman on the rear seat, knitting.

      Puzzled by this surprising situation, the officer walked to the car and knocked on the window. The young man lowered his window and said, "Yes,officer?"

      "What are you doing?"

      "Well, isn't it obvious? I'm reading a PC magazine."

      Pointing toward the young woman, the cop asked, "And her, what is she doing?"

      The young man shrugged. "I believe she's knitting a pullover."

      The cop was totally confused. A young couple alone in a car at night, doing nothing but reading and knitting? "What's your age, young man?"

      "I'm 22, sir."

      "And her, what's her age?"

      The young man looked at his watch and said, "She'll be 18 in 20 minutes."
And if you think this blog's sayin' anything.... It took to carding a long time ago. (And counting the rings when in doubt.)  

      /and Lawd oh Lawd I wanna be 22 again..... I wasted it, it now so badly seems, the first time around....

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