30 September 2004

Antonin, The Triple Pillar Of Salt Of The Western World

      Supreme Court Justice Antonin ("Shoot 'Em, Dick!") Scalia is out to court the college crowd, it seems.   Key quote, with a dastardly pun built-in: "I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged.” Oh, Tony, you card you.... No word, though, on whether or not he would encourage gay or bisexual or omnisexual or herbisexual (!) orgies, or how people should deal with the possible consequences of participating in such fleshy festivities.

      (Pause: Would you really want Justice Scalia-- take a good look at him, people; doesn't he look like James Garner after a decade on crystal meth?-- there to encourage you to take part in an orgy, probably sounding like an Italian-American Burgess Meredith shouting, "get in there, Rock, get in there!?"   I thought not.)

      (Pause again to consider the irony of Justice Scalia advocating orgies at the JFK Jr Forum.   Dare we contemplate the rocks from which we've been hewn?)

      In other judicial news, part of the Patriot Act has been struck down by a federal court judge.  

      Unconnected Post-Script: Flogger continues to be a ranklesome bitch. Methinks there are some big problems with Google, as Gmail has been just as bad of late.

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