05 September 2004

Here We Go Again....

      Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord, say it ain't so, say it just ain't so, that we may once more (unto the breach!) end up having to deal with the dreaded S-word again, you know, S*p*r*tion.   Please, prithee, let us not go through that exhausting, laborious, agonizing process of constitutional niggling and navel-gazing all over a-frickin'-gain (three times in 25 years is enough, thank you). It's a bloody catherine wheel of fire. On the flip side, Doug Fisher's column today predicts short terms for both PM Martin and and Mr. Harper. Good gracious, if we're going to be bound upon that torture device again, I don't want either of them having to become Captain Canada. Perish the thought.

      (Fact is, I think this S-word stuff is just idle talk from those with nothing else to talk about. I can't imagine anyone, even the more devout in their desire for Quebec independence, really wants to open up the guts of that corpse any time soon. I'd rather talk about the plans to push back those evil Danish aggressors.   )

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