29 September 2004

Al & Nick & Bruce

      Today's NYTimes has a trio of interesting pieces to which I'd recommend your attention. To start at the bottom of the pile: Al Gore has some advice for John Kerry, the ironies of which are best left unstated. Then there's this piece by Nicholas Kristof that manages to be both chilling and and hopeful at the same time (and implicitly points to one of the major failings of the Bush campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, the timorousness of its concern with sexual equality). It's simply jarring. And then, there's Bruce Weber's piece about the donation of the 60,000 volume Danowski library to Emory University; it's a nearly unfathomable donation, a boon of almost Alexandrian proportions.   Modern poetry people are suddenly feeling all gooey and moist, you know, down there. Wow.

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