27 September 2004

I Said, "Ooooooh-oh Domino...."

His Band And The Street Choir
Roll me over, Romeo.  
      There you go.
      Lord have mercy....

      (You HAD to know the Not-So-Good-Doctor was going to link to that article.   )

      Be sure to check out the bits about *cough, cough* The Vaseline Man and what happens "When Cheerleaders Attack."   (Gulp.   Me sez nussing, me sez abzolewdly nussing.)

      On the Domino theme-- considering that "Domino" is a former nick of Yours Only-Sorta-Truly:   it seems this blog is now within shouting distance of reaching (natch, nary and nay!) 10,000 hits, and could well do so before the end of the month.   You could roll this Not-So-Very-Romeo over with a feather, or something equally light and implicitly kinky. Welcome to The Grump Report....

      Okay, all together now, in your best Bob Dylan voices: Hey, Mr. Vaseline Man, play a song for me....

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