25 September 2004

It's Not A Tumour....

      Infer from this what you will.   (Frankly, there are so many possibilities, this blog wouldn't even know how to begin litanizing them....)

      Alas, that reminds me: it's been a year today. Why do lamentable things always seem to fall on the 25th or the 26th? Argh.   Grumble McGrumble Grumble. Crikey: it occurs to me, too, that tomorrow it will be 5 1/2 years (double crikey: 5.5 years = 66 months; odd numerical repetitions there) since, well, Since.   It's been a very long time. Strange to think, he says repeating himself, the things we end up checking at the door....   Now gods stand up for inveterately miserable bastards.

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