18 September 2004

It's Olivier Now, Baby Blue

      I'm not sure about any of you, but I'm probably one of the very few people with no desire whatsoever to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Sure, it's getting some positive reviews, but it looks awfully hokey-- and worst of all, it proves one of my greatest fears: that not even Death Itself will keep Laurence Olivier, fifteen years into The Great Beyond, from chewing any and all scenery within his reach into a fine pablum-appropriate powder. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust....  

      Coming soon: his cameo in the sequel to Saving Silverman, in which he shouts madly at guest star Neil Diamond: I hef no torso!!!! (All those of you scarred by The Jazz Singer are surely as terrified as I am.)

      Mind you, if this experiment in digital recreation-- and lining Joan Plowright's pockets-- works, I bet George Lucas does stick some images of Alec Guinness into Revenge of the Sith. Any takers? Eh? EH? (Of course, it won't actually be Guinness, but a digital Guinness; we all know Lucas doesn't like dealing with people anymore.)   And I bet, too, the dowager Plowright will lead the campaign, with a ferocity that would embarrass Henry V himself, for Larry's ultimate coup de grace, the Academy's first Deathtime Achievement Award.

      Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so....   (Rave on, Mr. Donne....)

      (Aside: RK, you should find this as interesting as I did. This blog likes the last paragraph especially.)

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