12 May 2004

I've Waited For The May!

      We'll see how well this posting takes (again with crossed-fingers hoping stuff doesn't get further mangled by these Blogger changes).... From Alfred Noyes' poem "The Barrel-Organ" comes these laughable lines, more laughable I suppose from my perspective:
So it's Jeremiah, Jeremiah,
   What have you to say
When you meet the garland girls
   Tripping on their way?
All around my gala hat
   I wear a wreath of roses
(A long and lonely year it is
   I've waited for the May!)
If any one should ask you,
   The reason why I wear it is---
My own love, my true love, is coming
         home to-day.
I'm sorry, I probably should not make fun of Noyes, who already takes regular beatings, but those of you that know me should see why I find this absolutely hysterical. I gotsta gets me some o' dem garland girls, tripping on their way....

      I also hold that anyone that puts together the words "my own love, my true love" deserves to have their wispy little wits walloped. Wantonly. With wormwood.

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