15 May 2004

Oh. My. God.

      Sadly, I know a few people who would defend the offending teachers in this article, which should tell you something about the tendency toward self-legitimating pretense in the contemporary educational streams. But check out this quote from one of the would-be apologists who evidently has absolutely no sense of tact, or good taste:
Some educators, including Susan Edwards, a substitute teacher, said showing the pictures may be appropriate under certain circumstances.

"Under certain circumstances, yes, because that's the world we live in, and we can't hide our head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist," said Edwards. [Emphasis added.]
Why does this polemicizing-- "This is why we shouldn't be at war" -- strike me as being of the same disturbing piety as that of anti-abortion activists that advocate blowing up clinics and killing doctors and patients in the name of saving the unborn? Disgusting, horrifying, hypocritical, and absolutely mad, these teachers deserve to be put through the terrifying sword ritual from that great old Edward Woodward film The Wicker Man.

      This blog cannot help but wonder if these same teachers would be so glib about matters were the victim a person close to them. Methinks not. God save us from the righteous and the unimaginably callow.

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