29 May 2004

It Ain't Easy Being Greenean

      There's an interesting piece in La Scena Musicale noting the commonalities between Graham Greene and Isaac Beshivas Singer that's worth a read. Singer I have to confess I've not read, but Greene, well, let's just say I know Greene very well and that he's one of the few novelists I thoroughly enjoy reading; that Greene is almost never taught in undergraduate courses strikes me as an oversight that is at the very least unfortunate and the very worst distressing. A couple of years ago, I introduced a young lady I was seeing to Greene by giving her an edition of his short stories (among other books). When she started reading it, she kept having these excited, impressed reactions, and it was rewarding just watching her read them. So, yes, I have fiendish reasons for wanting to teach Greene. I kid, I kid, of course. I promise that enthusing young women has absolutely nothing to do with my desire to teach Greene. Not a thing. Nope. Not. At. All.

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