04 May 2004

The Credibles, Their Haunches Stirring?

      GQ has a very interesting article on the possible fate of American Secretary of State Colin Powell, generally considered by those of temperate minds to be the main voice of moderation in the Dubya cabinet. The article's thrust: Powell's had enough, and, frankly, given his treatment, it would surprise no one if Powell is indeed tired and bitter. The larger concern for all of us should be this, though: if Powell does resign, for whatever reasons, the inmates will likely take over the asylum completely, and this scares the bloody bejeezus out of me. There's also another possible angle from which to see this positioning by Powell and his staffers, the angle from which Powell's not-so-concealed disaffection is a subtle threat to the Dubsters about entirely alienating centrists and moderates. If Powell announced his resignation before the election, I suspect Dubya's numbers would take a serious hit, a hit even greater than if, say, the almost-equally-popular Senator John McCain were to jump ship. Forget all the crap with the attack ads on both sides of the political spectrum in the U.S.: the key to the next election rests with the popular middle-ground, and it remains to be seen if either Bush or Kerry can establish themselves there. In other words, people like Powell and McCain may prove to be the Warwicks of the next administration, the kingmakers. Keep your eyes on these guys, people. The real battle hasn't even yet begun. When the credibles start indicating their sides, the currents will shift accordingly.

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