19 April 2004

Such Modest Attainments

You've got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight. --- Bruce Cockburn, "Lovers In A Dangerous Time"

      Just a brief note: remember those notes that I made up for my students? Well, it turns out more of them read them and used them than I expected. How do I know this? In part because some of them thanked me for them (always nice to hear), but also because it's apparent that a lot of my charges made ample use of the "if only" aspect of tragedy that I outlined in the notes, something we had discussed in class but which seems to have developed a new life cycle in the exams. That idea seems to have been the canoe many of them chose to float themselves to shore. Ah, well, it's at least comforting that the whole riggamarole wasn't pointless.

      Oy. Why am I blogging so profusely today? Yes, I'm procrastinating big-time. Like any job, this is always the worst part: the inevitable paperwork. *shrug*

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