15 April 2004

*Hiccup* Kill Me. *Hiccup* Kill Me. *Hiccup* Kill Me.

      Okay, not much of a post for today, but it's now official: I am insane. I've now written well over 4000 words today for my kids, trying to piece together some sort of coherent system of notes for them on a bloody broad mish-mash of material. Worse, I still haven't done the Romances yet. I am an idiot! How did I get myself into this? Why do I bother, especially when I know full-well 80% of them won't even bother looking at them, let alone read them. Because I made a promise. Ugh. Flurking, fucking idiot. Never, ever again.

      Any of you with some bizarre or twisted sense of masochism can see my notes (completely unedited, and certainly rife with typos and the like) here (Part I) and here (Part II). No promises as to their interest-value or their quality.

      (And, yes, I know: "hiccup" should be "hiccough," but I'm tired and I'm lazy. So there. )

      Update: Why the hell can't I bring myself to write Part III? Ugh.

      Uppidiestdate: Fuck. No way I can finish the third part in time for mes élèves and stand even a shot in hell of getting their papers marked in time. Oh well. It's only the romances left undiscussed, and, besides, I'm relatively sure the whole damned exercise was a bloody waste of time. *shrug* Exam tomorrow evening. Now what kind of bureaucratic fucknut schedules an exam at 7pm on a Saturday night? Key-riced. Worse, this means making the trip to Pork Spew on a Saturday when the buses are as regular as... no, I won't name names. Life bites serious goat cock, even if the weather is finally becoming quite lovely. And yes, I am very cranky right now, as my proliferant cursing should suggest. Grrrr. Arrrgh. April is the stupidest month.

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