14 July 2004

Behold, He Makes All Things New

      Uh-oh: be afraid: email this morning from The Magnificent One:

Hey, J, the 2004 Edition is just going through revision right now and should be ready soon.   I'm letting Loki stall the damned thing in committee while I fidget around with a few other matters.   Luci says I'm being too generous this time around, but, well, we'll see.   I'd give you a more concrete date, but, hey, you know me-- and what's the point of letting people know when it's gonna happen?   Sometimes I wonder why I don't just change the pedagogy and end off with a final project-- you know, creating life, or a reconstruction of the spheres or some such thing-- but I get lazy in the end and think this at least leaves me with less of a mess to clean up at the end. Besides, I hate fucking dioramas. (Pardon my Sumerian.) Hate em, hate em, hate em. The other good thing about the tried-and-true method: I don't have to make comments. That bloody Job nearly sent me right off presentations completely. Anyway, I'll send it soon. Gotta line up the proctors, prepare the charnel houses, the whole drill, first. Let everyone know it's coming. Put the fear of Me into them. LOL. 1 r taht 1 r.

Yah? Way.... It's time to sizzle some nizzle-- fo' shizzle.   :-)

el Docco G

P.S.   Loved the candy-dish.   Used to have one just like it.   Called her "Eve," but then Isis saw it and, well, you can guess the rest....   
Oh crap.... See the previous edition here. And some previous answers.   Yikes.

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