18 July 2004

Breed The Geeks

      Paul Wells is finally back with a substantial entry on his blog, an entry with which I am in complete agreement, although I'd suggest that such changes not simply be limited to the science fields.   For all the talk about the lack of "international-growth-industries" in which Canada could take a leading role, there are so many which scream out in the obviousness: science and technology; international justice; peace-keeping, arbitration and negotiation; environmental development and treatment; advanced education; these are just a few, and they're all comparatively low-cost and not dependent on huge populations.   A little pie-in-the-sky?   Perhaps.   But, then again, so was landing on the moon.   If all else fails, perhaps we can become The Doughtnut Exporter To The World.  

      And, why, by the way, has Canada never had a Science Minister? Sheesh.... (And the first person that makes a Star Trek reference will suffer severe and vociferous bludgeoning with the nearest blunt instrument, probably Leonard Nimoy's left eyebrow.)

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