20 August 2004

Required Reading: The Tangled Web

      Most of us with even an ounce of intelligence knew the charges from the so-called "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" were scurrilous and probably libelous.   But the NYTimes today outlines an organizational web-- and a series of extreme testimonial inconsistencies-- that suggests exactly how coordinated the attack has been, and I think the appropriate adjective here would be "Nixonian."   This is reprehensible, disgusting, and quite possibly illegal, and it's a sad statement that more people aren't livid at the extent of their informational abuse.   But, oh, then again, how could we ever think the Bushies would resort to misinformation, slander and conspiracy? Just ask Hans Blix.

      I've never said anything quite like this before, preferring to allow for differences of opinion and so forth.   But there is no legitimating the crap that the Bushies have perpetrated (of which this is just the most recently buffed example), and there's no excusing the stomach-churning manipulativeness of this tripe.   A vote for Bush, dare I say, is a statement of idiocy, and you'll get what you deserve.   Unfortunately, the rest of the world may have to pay dire consequences for such unpardonable stupidity.  

      UPDATE:   Truly there are suckers born every minute.

      UPPERDATE:   Now, I have to wonder, how much media attention will this gather in the US?

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