07 August 2004

Now Watch This Drive

      Screw Dubya, screw Tiger Woods: this, my friends, is just profoundly cool, the story of Andre Tolme who just finished golfing across the width of Mongolia.   Make sure you check out the scorecard; looks like he did bloody terrific on the third "hole."

      You've got to love the panache about it all, to say nothing of the audacity.   Some of the photos of the steppe are nothing less than gorgeous.   Tolme's supposed to have a book about the experience coming out soon, focussing mostly on the country itself, a country of which most of us know very, very little indeed.   Now that's an extreme sport.   And, no doubt, a genuine adventure.

      Check out, by the way, some of the details and descriptions of Mongolian life and culture, courtesy of the Mongolian Tourism Board.   There's something absolutely fascinating, or so thinks this blog at least, about a culture so very removed from, and perhaps innoculated against, Westernization.   It's one of the places I'd like to visit eventually in my lifetime, but almost certainly without the golf clubs.   And just look at that sky....

See other images from Tolme's trip through Mongolia

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