29 July 2003

A Few Graham Crackers Would Be Nice....

Like many men, I suspect, I find Heather Graham absolutely gorgeous-- and not just because she has a terrific body and a beautiful face. It occurred to me today as I was watching The Guru-- a surprisingly delightful little picture-- what sets her apart from many actresses that might be described as being of her 'type.' I like that Graham has a kind of bravery that most actresses her age tend not to have, but she also has a precious air of innocence about her; it never seems to matter what material she's dealing with, she is absolutely charming, a constant breath of fresh air. That's pretty tricky, especially with parts like those she took in Boogie Nights, Bowfinger, Say It Isn't So. She has that 'girl-next-door' quality, but she's always challenging it and complicating it, always suggesting that the so-called-naughty and the so-called-nice aren't fundamentally opposed to one another. And she has a deftness for light comedy that is indeed rare, especially among actresses. Like Michelle Pfeiffer, she always seems better than the material, larger than the parts she plays, though (unlike Elizabeth Taylor) she never seems to subsume the role to her image.

She's utterly disarming. I love that.

Postscript: Yes, I am resisting the temptation the post a nude graphic here. God knows, there are enough of them out there...
Post-postscript: And yes, I remain a sucker for a pretty woman. So sue me. ;-)

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