13 March 2004

"Oh Shit, It's Mr. Creosote!"

      Read this article and just imagine how incensed Doctor J is. I bet you're expecting him to go off an extended rant only slightly shorter than Pamela, lamenting the death of culture in contemporary society and getting his righteous indignation all hot and bothered. Well, he won't. Da Doc is incensed, but he's exercising restraint today. He won't even begin to explain why this is utterly, impossibly, inconceivably wrong. No. He will be a good boy. He will keep his dander civilly down. He will not erupt like Mr. Creosote after that last "wafeeer-sin" dessert. You should thus be appropriately proud of him. It's as if he went a whole week without a cigarette. Sure, he's itchin', he's fightin' all 'is natural urges. But no. Discipline. Control. That's the ticket, that's the mutha-freakin' ticket.


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