23 October 2004

Y Merej?

      That this article by Nicholas Kristof should appear in today's NYTimes strikes this blog as gallingly ironic.   (And, no, for those of you thinking it: those aren't 6s on the Doc's scalp but 9s.)   But ho!   Zelda, aka Zozo, will be gliding down an aisle today!   For the life of me, I don't think I've ever seen Zozo in a dress or even a skirt, so imagining her in a wedding gown is truly mind-blowing.   I can't wait.  

      If the Not-So-Good Doctor, simpering singleton that he is, ever decides to tie the endless knot, I'm sure the spectacle will be on par with a Jerry Bruckheimer movie, replete with explosions, fireballs and Kate Beckinsale.   Neh?   Okay, maybe a Noel Coward play with a Mel Brooks cast....

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