15 October 2004

Kerrying A Torch

        Mr, er, Senator Kerry has to say, after the inappropriate mentioning of the VP' s daughter: "I misspoke. I was searching for an example of a family that understood that situation well, and did so with compassion. I erred. Yes, I made a mistake. But I acknowledge when I make mistakes, and then I aim to rectify them. Being resolute is one thing; being muleish is another. I believe in learning from my errors, and I believe in mending them. I believe in making things RIGHT. Part of which I aim to do tonight. I believe in making things right, even if it means a little humple pie for me. I erred. I admit it. But now knowing my error, I'll make things right, even if that means admitting my own mistakes. Ask that of the President."

      Game over, checkmate.

      Imagine if a candidate did that. Am I wrong?

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