02 February 2004

Strawberry Fields Forever

      This blog wonders how much of this phenomenon has to do with, er, seed-swallowing.

      (Oh, I must behave, I must behave, I must behave... Oh, but it's so hard... There's so much ammunition, so much I can do with this... But, no. Discipline. Behaviour. Good boy, Doctor J, you can restrain yourself. Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean. "Most fruity..." Hahahaha... Nope, control, you can resist this. That devil on your shoulder will just make you say bad, bad things... Sweetness and light, sweetness and light.... Mmmm, sweetness... Oh, no, don't go there.... No, don't, don't.... That's good, step back from the keyboard, STEP BACK FROM THE KEYBOARD!... Good boy... *Pause....* *Silence* *Sudden uproarious laughter....* *Doctor J stumbles out of room, his mouth buried in his hands...* I'm sorry, so very, very, very sorry...)

      This blog would like to apologize for Doctor J's juvenile behaviour. I'm sure he'll be back shortly, as decorous as ever. (*Further laughter erupts in the background*) Or perhaps not.

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