18 August 2003

I Wonder If I've Strengthened Anyone's Right Arm.... **shudder**

Below are several answers to a question from sets of course evaluations at Brandeis. Some are silly, some are hilarious, some are just a little too fucking honest (you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it). And, yes, I've had some equally loopy comments on my evaluations over the years....

Area 3: "If you feel that this instructor should be nominated for a teaching award, please explain why."

Because he should be president of his own Latin American country, so this is the least we can do.

Because he's the bomb....

First of all he's got a cool taste in clothes, but that's beside the point.

For miraculously transforming me into a confident creative fountain.

HAHAHA! Yeah Right. I burn more calories dreaming them setting in this class. Don't do this to more innocent incoming freshmen.

"Half Man . . . Half God . . . All that!"

"He can spin piano benches on his head."

He is awesome + really smart. Plus, he's cute.

"He is so like deep, man."

He is the Superman of the department.

"He'll haunt the halls of Brandeis as the reincarnation of Buddha."

He possesses the enthusiasm only young professors have, before struggles for tenure have made them bitter."

He rocks my socks.

He's a great guy, wish he was my grandpa.

"He's a'ight"

He's really good at what he does, lecturing, but this isn't always a good thing.

He's the coolest. Zippy Rules!

"I don't know why, he's just great, you should come see a class."

"I gave the Prof head"

"I'm not sure I understand the question, I suppose it depens on what kind of award."

"I've grown more as an actor this year than any other single year in my life, and I refuse to take all the credit."

"Like Have-A-Cow is the bomb diggy diggy. The man will help you get a job. How cool is that? And he's down with the lingo."

"likes beer, just kidding"

Nice Guy. He gave me dinner.

"No, the reason I'm saying yes to nomination isn't because you probably know who I am due to my handwriting, it is because I thoroughly enjoyed the course."

"Professor's pimp-like status baffled me."

"She is an endless pot of knowledge"

She's cute and she sings to us.

"This class was better than any professional therapist I ever went to."

Very enthusiastic about Reproductive Biology.

We talked about Bees once.

"What's the teaching award?"

You really learn something from this class, maybe you can not get a good grade, at least, you don't waste your time.

"I am in love. His name is the man. I wrote a poem for him:
Oh man, oh man you're so great
To your class I come late (sometimes)
You help me get so huge
When I think of you I splooge.
Because of you my right arm is so strong
Oh man, oh man is our love so wrong?"
Addendum: I have to say, onomatopoeically, the word 'splooge' tops even the great 'twat' in its revulsiveness. You can almost hear.... No, no, no, I will stop there....

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