08 May 2003

"We live in an age of apologies. Apologies, false or true, are expected from the descendants of empire builders, slave owners and persecutors of heretics, and from men who, in our eyes, just got it all wrong. So, with the age of 85 coming up shortly, I want to make an apology. It appears I must apologise for being male, white, and European."
--- Sir Alec Guinness

Those wacky Texan judges.... Wonder if their ruling had anything to do with something ensconced their asses....

You know, some things are better fresh than frozen. But one has to wonder what the hell is, ahem, up with frigid things in the news lately. I'm detecting a trend.... Either that, or some people truly have no lives.

I truly wonder what these people would do in case of a strike. I'm suddenly thinking our union less preposterous than it was. Only, however, less preposterous.

Until later.....

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