21 February 2005

By The Pricking Of Their Thumbs

      Those perenially-bored religious nutters in the States are at it again, though I'm tempted to put the R-word in that clause in scare quotes to indicate the awkward parsimony and/or misnomiality of it in this context. Their target this time: Shrek 2. Somebody, somewhere, please, oh please, buy these people LIVES.   And maybe some humour.   Oh, and some education, too, because next thing you know they'll be sounding their priggish alarm bells over everything from Tootsie to Twelfth Night to Oedipus Rex.

      As for me, I've lost all patience for these self-important, sniggering whack-jobs that not only think "their" culture under attack from every which way, but WANT, desire with the desperation of Miss Lonelyhearts on a Saturday night, to believe "their" culture under attack from all sides. To them I say, Get over your frickin' selves.   Your CHILDREN are behaving more maturely than you are.   See also the response to last night's surprisingly tame episode of The Simpsons, which really should suggest how staunchly stupid (pronounced "stoooooooo-pid"), to say nothing of grossly intolerant, these self-important flagellants are.

      And, on the other side of the coin: I'm reminded of the desperate desire of so many in the caves of academia that tried, especially through the 80s and 90s, to asperse suggestions of sexual subversiveness to every possible dimension of every cultural artefact they could.   Well, congratulations.   Those conservative Christian cluckings are the sounds of chickens coming home to roost.   Those aspersions not only helped to create (or recreate) the culture of paranoia, but they also provided the tools and the rhetoric to seem to legimate that paranoia.   Both sides are like Blake's Heaven and Hell, making each other in the other's despite.   Felicitations-- you yourselves are Hell.

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