03 June 2003

A Few Short Takes

My thanks again to RK for the gift I received today in the mail-- the Ian Holm production of King Lear. Something to look forward to. Ah, Lear, the great story of self-delusion and realization. Not only does Lear face harder truths about himself and the world around him, but he'd also have taken Hamlet outside and unleashed a giant can of whoop-ass.

The bull-shit is flying and fast furiously today. And it's only early afternoon. *sigh* Sometimes I want to grab people by the scruffs of their necks and expel them of their delusions, but it's a futile emotion, ultimately. People will believe whatever they want to believe. But delusions (including lies, hypocrisies, excuses, and other forms of deception, to oneself and to others) always seem to me crutches for cowardice. We're all prone to fear; the test is how we deal with that fear, and how we act despite it.
That was a wonderful remark
I had my eyes closed in the dark
I sighed a million sighs
I told a million lies
to myself, to myself... --- Van Morrison

Great bit: "You know what mom? You know what I'm gonna get you next Christmas? A big wooden cross, so every time you feel unappreciated for all your sacrifices, you can climb up and nail yourself to it." --- Kevin Spacey, with the best damned line in the very funny The Ref. God, I love that movie-- and I take no end of joy in imagining Glynis Johns nailing herself to a big wooden cross.

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