30 April 2003

Some good stuff, some oddities:

This is for Anne, she of the sadomasochistic homicidal tendencies...... Got To Stop

And this is for those Star Wars freaks with just a little too much time, ahem, on their hands. By this standard, I am indeed repressed, mercifully.

This is for CSM and any fans of Buffy and -- yes-- A Midsummer Night's Dream.... A Midsummer's Nightmare. This thing may be more apocalyptic than anything on the show.

Some more typical parodies of Shakespeare are here.

A quick link for Shakespeareans who are still kids at heart... Pictures, Pictures, Pictures.

AND-- if anyone actually dares to see how you (ahem) measure for measure up, please (please please please please please please please) KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Who thinks this stuff up?!?!?

Yes, Dr. J is suffering from insomnia, and still hasn't been to bed yet. Grumble, grumble, grumble. Hence this blogging day from hell. ;-)

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