30 April 2003

"I wear the cheese, the cheese does not wear me." --- The Cheese Man.
Yes, that episode is on Space tonight at 8.... Don't ask me why I quote it here. I just like the sound of it.

"VLADIMIR: What is terrible is to have thought.
ESTRAGON: But did that ever happen to us?"
--- from Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot

[Entrance Exams]


1. Draw a historical parallel (after the manner of Plutarch) between Hannibal and Annie Laurie.
2. What internal evidence does The Odyssey afford, that Homer sold his Trojan war-ballads at three yards an obolus?
3. In what way were the shades on the banks of the Styx applied with spirits?
4. Give a brief account of the Roman Emperors who visited the United States, and state what they did there.
5. Show from the words, 'Hoc erat in votis' (Sat. vi., Lib. ii), that Horaces favourite wine was hock, and that he meant to say 'he always voted for hock.'
6. Draw a parallel between the Children in the Wood and Achilles in the Styx.
7. Name the prima donnas who have appeared in the operas of Virgil and Horace since the 'Virgilii Opera' and 'Horatii Opera' were composed.

Euclid, Arithmetic, and Algebra

1. 'The extremities of a line are points.' Prove this by the rule of railways.
2. Show the fallacy of defining an angle, as 'a worm at one end and a fool at the other.'
3. If one side of a triangle be produced, what is there to prevent the other two sides also being brought forward?
4. If the gnomon of a sundial be divided into two equal, and also into two unequal parts, what would be its value?
5. If seven horses eat twenty-five acres of grass in three days, what would be their condition on the fourth day? Prove by practice.
6. Reduce two academical years to their lowest terms.
--- Cuthbert Bede

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