05 September 2005

New Orleans Was Sinking....

      ... and W didn't wanna swim, as now seems beyond debate (save for the devotedly and rabidly partisan Shrubbies).   Today's NYT features a particularly pointed indictment by Paul Krugman that encapsulates most of what wrong before Katrina struck, and what will continue to remain wrong until there's a new occupant of the Whitehouse. It's a shame, really, that the American population can't insist on a presidential recall in the same way that Californians could: such unfathomable, to say nothing of tragic, incompetence is beyond apology.   Frankly, I'd like to see the President and his cronies do a dozen or so swigs each of Biloxi tapwater before they make any more disingenuous claims of compassion for Katrina's victims.   One miserable evacuation deserves another, don't you think?

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