30 August 2005

Drinkey Friday

      The Not-So-Good Dawk didn't want to post on the events of this past weekend for reasons long-standing and arguably quite childish, but have since decided not to post on them would be churlish.   Churlish?   Yes, because Friday evening I was quite surprised to discover that a quintet of people had so very kindly trekked in to see the Older Guy with gifts various and sweet.   That they made the trip was nice enough on its own, and so the night turned out to be a pleasant trial, and a trial only because of (well) those reasons long-standing and childish and having absolutely nothing to do with my visiting quintet.

      Thanks.    And now, "enough." Except for the added thanks to Zel, the Mata Hari of that cabal. And cheers to Matt, who really has had to put up with more from and about the N-S-G Doc than he should for only three actual meetings. You deserve a medal, Sir.

      Having opened that flask-- thanks to Viv and Dave for their company and the rye, and to Arby (RB) for the Aram and the company that included sitting through a replay of a Van Morrison concert. So much for "enough." But, thanks everyone. It was appreciated, and it was fun. Cheers. Now can I go back to being churlish?

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