30 July 2005

She's A Neodematerial Girl

      Now and then, some people ask me why I don't read more contemporary scholarship, and why I wear my disdain for it with a medalist's pride.    Rather, though, than explain oh so laboriously, and surely repetitively, let me simply direct you to this, The Postmodernism Generator, which produces mini-articles that are astonishingly close to so much of the vapidity that passes these days as scholarship.   One of the generations, which you can read here, yielded these brain-paining paragraphs:

"Society is fundamentally a legal fiction," says Baudrillard. The masculine/feminine distinction intrinsic to Madonna's Material Girl emerges again in Erotica, although in a more self-falsifying sense. Therefore, the characteristic theme of Hubbard's [1] critique of conceptualist socialism is not dematerialism, but neodematerialism.

In the works of Madonna, a predominant concept is the concept of capitalist narrativity. In Material Girl, Madonna analyses Debordist situation; in Erotica, although, she examines conceptualist socialism. Thus, Lyotard suggests the use of Debordist situation to attack and modify class.
How eerily close this nonsense is to half the pieces in any edition of the PMLA these days.   The postmodern solution to everything seems to be to make use of as many ironizing prefixes and jargonistic collisions as humanly possible.   I probably shouldn't use the word "humanly" there, though.   I'd probably be dismissed as a soppy, ignorant humanist for doing so.

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