04 October 2003

George W. Eliot?

Found this, a poem composed of famous Dubya flubs. Very funny. Check out, too, some of the links at the bottom of the page, including "Grammatically Infirm Medical English" which includes the hilarious statements "Exam of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized," "Comes to ED complaining of vaginal breathing" and "Bleeding started in the rectal area and continued all the way to Los Angeles." The first would be impressive, the second exceptionally talented, the third astonishingly messy. One imagines that patient must have left a trail like a slug... ;-)

But perhaps there's no need to ridicule Dubya because he does it so well for himself. Check out these lines, written for his wife Laura:

Dear Laura,

Roses are red, violets are blue,
oh my lump in the bed, I miss you.
The distance, my dear, has been such a barrier,
next time you want an adventure, just land on a carrier.

Think I'm kidding? Check it out. Churchill once said he could forgive a man anything but bad prose. But he really should have said something about truly abominable verse. This is thin praise, indeed, that Dubya is at least a better President than he is a poet. Dear, dear me...

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