Er, no-- sorry, I couldn't resist. But if you're at all curious about some of the general associations that have been attached to certain flowers over the years, however arbitrarily, you might want to have a look at this curious little article from MSN. For a further list of associations, see this interesting page that should help those of you frustrated by complaints that "you don't **sniff** bring me flowers anymore." (One haws to notice that there is no flower that conveys the same meaning as the two most used words in the average heterosexual male's vocabulary, "Yes, dear.")
Oddly enough, the article associates rhododendrons with "danger," while in some cultures they're associated with "delicacy." They also have a nasty tendency to choke out other plantlife because of their leaves that -- wait for it-- are so dense that light cannot penetrate them. Hmmmm.... Like I couldn't have guessed that. Gather ye irony-buds while ye may.
At least now I know when to give yellow lillies and manchineel. Lads, you might want to stock up on your purple hyacinths.

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