06 March 2005

Delay, Decay

      Sorry, my ever-patient readers, for my lack of posting lately, but let's simply say things have been busy-- or, at least, busier than usual. Alas, the lack of posting isn't likely to be remedied anytime soon, or at least until Wednesday. The Not-So-Good Doc will be off to Tokyoronto ("All the expense, but none of the excitement!") to do some ritual self-humiliation, and, ideally, meeting up with some old compatriots in misbehaviour. (Those of you that know the Doc's habits can probably surmise where he will be and what he will most likely be doing.) So, in the interim -- like one of those lousy t-shirts-- this post is all you're going to be getting around here for the next bit, though with my apologies. In compensation, here's a rarity for you, an unpublished poem of Tom Eliot's called "Virginia." Not Eliot at his best, but interesting enough as one of the many doodles of his not (to my knowledge, anyway) collected. Enjoy. Until later, cheers.

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