13 January 2005

The Howdy Dowdy Show

      RK sent me this piece from Maureen Dowd in today's NYT, though I surely and honestly cannot fathom why.      Fact is, there's a lot I could say in response to it, but I'll be unharacteristically subversive and simply say this: the guys know what's happening here.... Insert two nudges and a pair of winks accordingly. And, ladies, it has precious little to do with power, intelligence, income, or even youth or beauty. Leave it to Ms Dowd, though, to use this argument to ask if the feminist movement was just "some sort of cruel hoax."

      Also in today's NYT, Frank Rich has a scouring indictment of CNN's Crossfire and the Bush propaganda machine.   It never ceases to amaze-- or appall-- me the depth of corruption and collusion within the ranks of the media these days.

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